"When you look at me the way you do, my life moves in perfect motion;
You're doing all the heavy lifting"
♡ 24 ♡ she/her/hers ♡ USA ♡
♡ Aquarius ♡ ENFP ♡
Currently: Dating ♡
Hi, I'm Prima. Learn some things about me by clicking the buttons at the top of the page.
About Me
Name: Prima
Age: 24 (born January 28)
Orientation: Bisexual
Gender: Female (she/her/hers)
Location: Southern USA
Myers-Briggs Type: ENFP
Zodiac: ☀ Aquarius ☀ | ☾ Libra ☾ | ⇧ Cancer ⇧
Occupation: Freelance Illustrator and Designer, barista
I have a generalized anxiety disorder as well as a dissociative identity disorder with diagnoses on both.
Before You Follow
Please don’t follow me if :
♡ You're under 16 years old
♡ You’re actively a racist, sexist, a TERF, LGBTQphobic, ableist, or otherwise close minded person.
♡ You support or permit any form of pedophilia or incest.
♡ You plan to invalidate me or are hatefollowing me.
♡ You don’t believe in any form of diagnosis, therapy, or medicine for neurodivergence.
♡ You kinkshame people heavily or unjokingly (Note: This does not apply to criticizing incest or pedophilia obviously).
Comfort Characters
♡ Here's some characters that make me very happy ♡
(Characters are listed in order of my attachment to them)
Currently fixating on:
Leon, Guzma , Raihan, Gordie, Archie, Nanu
One Punch Man
Metal Bat, Garou, Saitama
Fire Emblem
Claude, Azama, Niles, Nichol, Xander, Takumi
Asgore, Spade King, Sans
Ryoma, Gundam, Mondo, Fuyuhiko, Nekomaru
Ganondorf, Kass, Bowser, Little Mac
Demon Slayer
Rengoku, Inosuke
Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
Wakan Tanka, Ganglie
Ace Attorney
Godot, Phoenix Wright, Dick Gumshoe
Ichimatsu, Karamatsu, Jyushimatsu
Kazunao Yamada, Hajime Tenga
Kill la Kill
Tsumugu Kinagase, Uzu Sanageyama
Epithet Erased
Ramsey Murdoch, Giovanni Potage
Legend of Korra
Wan, Korra, Bolin
Monster Prom
Brian, Damien, Valerie, Liam, Scott
My Hero Academia
Aizawa, Enji, Hizashi, Taishiro, Keigo, Dabi, Inasa
Identity V
William Ellis, Eli Clark
All Saints Street
Ira Blood, Nick Hoult
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Jotaro, Joseph, Josuke
Tanaka, Ukai, Satori
She Ra and the Princesses of Power
Hordak, Entrapta, Double Trouble
Héctor (Coco)
Arthur (MSA Animated)
Beowulf (Skullgirls)
Joaquin Mondragon (Book of Life)
Genie (Aladdin)
Mephistopheles (Welcome to Hell)
Peter B. Parker (Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse)
Sunstone (Steven Universe)
Gregg (Night in the Woods)
Angus (Night in the Woods)
Roadhog (Overwatch)
2P Canada (Hetalia)
Q-taro Burgerberg (Your Turn to Die)
Alexander Anderson (Hellsing)
You can add me on discord: @prima#9549
You can also use my linktree
Here's a song I'm really identifying with right now.
(To be updated every so often)